Michelle in Australien

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23 , 2007

Au Pair

Allgemein — posted_by Michelle @ 00:24

Das Demi Pair Programm wird vor allem von Working Holiday Makern geschätzt um zu Beginn des Australien Aufenthaltes erstmal Familienkontakt zu haben und intensiv Englisch lernen zu können. Zumal die Unterkunft und Verpflegung kostenfrei ist ... und manchmal gibt es sogar Taschengeld!

Anmelden könnt Ihr Euch hier ...


SACE Adelaide has offered the English and Demi-Pair program since 1994.
Lorraine, a French student currently studying at SACE Adelaide explained
that she chose this program for two main reasons.

Firstly, immersion in an Australian family is a great way of practicing her English after class.

Secondly and importantly, Lorraine said she is able to save the costs of her
accommodation and earn pocket money during the course.

Lorraine said "I work every afternoon from Monday to Friday mainly helping
to look after the two children in the family. As well, I do a little cooking
and cleaning."

She thought Adelaide was a good choice to study, it is a friendly, clean
city and the weather is great. The highlight of her stay to date has been seeing
a kangaroo and a trip to the seaside town of Victor Harbour."


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